Archive for November, 2009

Today, it is Right.

November 11, 2009

It’s October 14, 2002, and the DC sniper struck again, mere minutes ago. This time, just one exit down the road. I’m working late, as usual. However, the blood is fresh, and this time, it was spilled in Virginia, so the beltway is shut down in hopes of apprehending the terrorist. I can either sit in traffic, drive the wrong way around the belt loop, or just hang tight until it all blows over. I need a cigarette, but the sniper usually hits more than one target in the same general area before evaporating. The office building I work in is just off the 395 exit, so if that POS is going to strike again, this is as good a place as any. You know what? FUCK YOU! I watched the Pentagon burn last year, and I will not be terrorized. With a stiff upper lip, I step outside and light up… Several times, before heading home sometime well after midnight. Later, I find out that the victim’s name is the same as my aunt. I briefly panic, until I’m certain that it’s not the same person. My grief is transferred to some family I do not know.

John Muhammad was executed today. I’m generally ambivalent about the death penalty. But today, again I say FUCK YOU! This time, to John Muhammad. FUCK YOU, John Muhammad! I feel safer, knowing that you will *never* terrorize my home again. I am thankful that justice has been served. Today, it is right.